
Football fashion: Blackouts and orange-outs

Wear your sunglasses or adjust things on your TV. It's going to be a colorful weekend in the football fashion world.

It started Thursday when Boise State went all orange against New Mexico.

Not to be out-oranged by an in-state team in Boise State, Idaho State will have its own shade of all-orange against Nevada.

In the weekend's biggest game, Louisville will be going with a look that's decidedly less bright. The Ville goes dark with the Cardinals wearing all black for Saturday's primetime game against Clemson (8 p.m. ET, ABC and ESPN App).

Now, all that orange is fine, but a notable orange expert, Anthony Burgess the author of "A Clockwork Orange," once said "Life is a wretched gray Saturday, but it has to be lived through."

Washington State is taking that to heart this weekend against Oregon State. The Cougars will be spending this Saturday in all gray.

New lids all around

Utah, Minnesota and Vanderbilt are debuting helmets this weekend.

Wayne State pays tribute

Wayne State is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year. The school will commemorate that with an anniversary patch but will also honor the military. Each uniform will feature the name of a Medal of Honor recipient.

Under-the-radar look of the week

Northern Illinois unveils its all-white uniforms for this week's game at Nebraska.