
Sources: OpTic Gaming signs PowerOfEvil, zig, LemonNation

Tristan "PowerOfEvil" Schrage is among the final additions to OpTic Gaming's League of Legends roster in its inaugural North American League of Legends Championship Series campaign. Provided by Riot Games

OpTic Gaming is working on agreements to acquire mid laner Tristan "PowerOfEvil" Schrage, top laner Derek "zig" Shao and support Daerek "LemonNation" Hart to finalize its League of Legends roster, sources close to the players and the team told ESPN on Thursday.

PowerOfEvil, zig and LemonNation will join a roster that currently consists of AD carry Noh "Arrow" Dong-hyeon and jungler Matthew "Akaadian" Higginbotham. OpTic came to a buyout agreement for Akaadian with his former team Echo Fox on Tuesday, sources said. OpTic then signed Arrow on Wednesday, according to sources.

PowerofEvil, zig and LemonNation all became free agents on Monday, when they parted ways with Misfits, Phoenix1 and FlyQuest respectively. Zig's team, Phoenix1, was not accepted back into the League of Legends Championship Series. FlyQuest replaced LemonNation with support William "Stunt" Chen.

The deal for PowerOfEvil comes after he explored his options both domestically in his home continent of Europe as well as internationally in North America. The player also deliberated on returning back to his former team, Misfits, where he competed at the 2017 League of Legends World Championship, but took more interest in moving to North America.

OpTic Gaming, with support of its parent company Infinite Esports & Entertainment -- owned and led by Texas Rangers co-owner Neil Leibman -- was accepted into the North American League Championship Series in October. The long-time Call of Duty organization has also moved into Overwatch and Dota 2 since Leibman's group acquired the majority of the company's stake.