
Immortals wrestle control over CLG

CLG's rookie AD carry Trevor "Stixxay" Hayes walks with his team prior to competing. Riot Games

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In a hard-fought, 2-1 series, Immortals came away with a victory over Counter Logic Gaming on Sunday in Los Angeles to take control over the number one seed in the North American League of Legends Championship Series.

CLG (10-4, 22-14 match record) tried to get a bit fancy with a Cho'Gath in the top lane and the rarely seen Rengar in the jungle, but it didn't work out well, with neither player getting much of an advantage at any moment. Immortals (11-3, 23-13 match record) gained the upper hand in the early going with a textbook dive on the bottom lane that resulted in three kills for AD carry Li "Cody Sun" Yu Sun's Jhin. From then on, it was off to the races, as Immortals cleaned up with kills to take sole control over the game. Sure, CLG picked up some kills here and there to try and give the illusion of a comeback, but Immortals never lost full control. After picking up a second Baron at 32 minutes, Immortals pushed into CLG's base, found two more kills and secured the 35-minute win.

CLG, after swapping in Omar "OmarGod" Amin in the jungle, drafted a teamfight-heavy composition into the heavy tank composition from Immortals. While Immortals played well early on, CLG picked up a big 4-for-2 teamfight win at 17 minutes which essentially gave it the game. Including that fight, CLG added in a whopping 25 kills in the final 17 minutes of the game for a final total of 30 to the 15 of Immortals. The lack of damage from Immortals' team composition was the real decider in this one. It's no surprise, then, that three members of CLG had seven or more kills.

Despite AD carry Trevor "Stixxay" Hayes getting his favorite champion in Caitlyn, CLG was grossly unprepared for what Immortals was going to unleash in this final game. While the game stayed pretty even until early on, Immortals broke the game wide open with an ace at 18 minutes. Over the next few minutes, Immortals won a series of teamfights powered by Cody Sun's Jhin. By the time 24 minutes had passed, Cody Sun was sitting pretty with a 9/1/3 KDA (kills/deaths/assists). CLG tried to get back into the game with a Baron attempt near the 30-minute mark, but despite taking almost 99 percent of the Baron's health, Immortals waltzed in to pick up four kills and the Baron. The buff ended up being all Immortals needed to break into the CLG base to take a final 4-for-2 fight that locked up the 33-minute win.

Immortals will face Team Liquid next Friday at 9 p.m. ET, while CLG will hope to bounce back with a matchup against Team EnVyUs next Saturday at 3 p.m. ET.