15Kurtley Beale, FB
14Christian Wade, W
13Elliot Daly, C
12Jimmy Gopperth, C
11Willie Le Roux, W
10Danny Cipriani, FH
9Joe Simpson, SH
1Matt Mullan, P
2Ashley Johnson, H
3Phil Swainston, P
4Joe Launchbury, L
5Matt Symons, L
6James Haskell, FL
7Thomas Young, FL
8Nathan Hughes, N8
16Tommy Taylor, R
17Simon McIntyre, R
18Marty Moore, R
19James Gaskell, R
20Guy Thompson, R
21Dan Robson, R
22Alapati Leiua, R
23Josh Bassett, R

*Players currently on the pitch are shown in bold

Game Info

Venue: Coventry Building Society Arena
5:15 PM, May 20, 2017

Match Commentary

81'21-20 End of second half
80'Robson kicks the ball dead and Wasps are set for the Aviva Premiership final.
79'Wasps look to inch their way towards the 80 minutes.
78'Gopperth falls over with the conversion and we have a huge final 90 seconds.
78'Player substituted - Freddie Burns , Leicester Tigers
78'Substitute on - Matt Smith , Leicester Tigers
78'21-20 Try - Josh Bassett , Wasps
77'TRY Bassett goes over to score. The ball went left from under the posts. The ball went from Robson, to Le Roux, Gopperth and Bassett gets in, in the corner.
76'Cipriani switches play to find Launchbury who climbs over the tackler. Thompson takes the ball on, stays on his feet and they drive towards the line.
76'Wasps lose the ball in the lineout but they win the ball back through Thompson. The ball goes over the top to Wade, but he's stopped five metres short.
75'Wasps win the penalty at the scrum and Cipriani kicks to the corner. Now or never for Wasps.
74'Wasps have lost the ball again in the set piece. Very poor. Scrum as Tigers knock on after the initial one in the lineout. Scrum Tigers.
74'Player substituted - Nathan Hughes , Wasps
74'Substitute on - James Gaskell , Wasps
73'The ball comes out of the scrum and they kick to touch. Big chance for Wasps.
73'Wasps should be in front here. SO close. Step, show and go by Cipriani, YOung takes it on, he looks to pass to Gopperth but the pass goes forward. If they don't win this, Wasps only have themselves to blame. They've created they chances.
72'Launchbury is stopped five metres from the Tigers 22. Le Roux is stopped. No breakthrough at the moment.
72'Robson snipes around the breakdown and Wasps are up to halfway thanks to Le Roux. Hughes finds Bassett on the left touchline.
71'The Tigers in possession, inching towards their 10 metre line. Harrison clears long to Bassett. Thompstone in possession but put to ground.
71'Substitute on - Sam Harrison , Leicester Tigers
71'Player substituted - Ben Youngs , Leicester Tigers
71'Player substituted - Mathew Tait , Leicester Tigers
71'Substitute on - Jack Roberts , Leicester Tigers
71'Player substituted - Ellis Genge , Leicester Tigers
71'Substitute on - Greg Bateman , Leicester Tigers
70'The play is stopped as Nathan Hughes looks to test whether or not he can continue.
70'Loose ball sees Tigers hack to halfway, but back come Wasps through Wasps. Gopperth takes it on halfway, gives it to Hughes who takes the ball up to the Tigers 22. Tigers turn the ball over and clear to touch.
69'The ball goes right and Daly is put to ground by Burns. Very little breakthrough threat from Wasps so far. It goes left and Bassett takes it to within 10 metres from the line. They go back to Launchbury. Robson held up.
68'Robson attacks, gives it to Hughes, looked forward. Bassett takes it up inside the Tigers 22.
67'Wasps back in possession with Young up to the Tigers 10 metre line. Hughes and Marty Moore stopped. The ball is spread wide to Wade who is tackled by Burns.
66'Burns kicks and Le Roux takes in the air. Wasps over the Tigers 22. Thompson gets over the gain line. The referee says Telusa Veainu's attempt at an interception goes backwards. Didn't look like it.
66'Substitute on - Fraser Balmain , Leicester Tigers
66'Player substituted - Dan Cole , Leicester Tigers
65'The ball is spread wide to Bassett but he is stopped. Robson puts boot to ball and Freddie Burns shepherds it into touch. Big kick from his own 10 metre line, and up to the Tigers 22.
65'Player substituted - Matt Mullan , Wasps
65'Substitute on - Simon McIntyre , Wasps
64'Thompson drops the ball forward and Beatham takes the ball forward for Tigers. Youngs gives a box kick down Le Roux's throat.
63'Free kick Tigers after an early push. Huge final 16 minutes ahead of us. We saw earlier how everything can change in a matter of minutes.
63'Player substituted - Dom Barrow , Leicester Tigers
63'Substitute on - Ed Slater , Leicester Tigers
62'Cipriani makes the break, and Launchbury is adjudged to have given a forward pass. Scrum Tigers inside their own 22.
61'Wasps just about gather their lineout. Dan Cole puts Thompson back a few metres. Cipriani releases Daly. Really good line speed by Leicester to close down the space.
60'Wasps spread the ball wide but the Tigers close the space, a box kick is taken by Telusa Veainu. He passes to Burns who clears to touch near halfway.
60'Substitute on - Tommy Taylor , Wasps
60'Player substituted - Ashley Johnson , Wasps
60'Substitute on - Guy Thompson , Wasps
60'Player substituted - James Haskell , Wasps
59'Wasps spread the ball wide from Wade to Gopperth and he breaks from midway inside his own half over halfway and to the Tigers 10 metre line. It is intercepted by Telusa Veainu who kicks to down just before he is kicked down. Le Roux tackles him just as he kicks. Wasps get back to clear to touch.
58'Tom Youngs is replaced and gets the loudest applause of the day. Leicester Tigers are penalised at the scrum and Cipriani takes the free kick, kicking down to Thompstone.
58'Player substituted - Tom Youngs , Leicester Tigers
58'Substitute on - George McGuigan , Leicester Tigers
56'Burns kicks Tigers up to the Wasps 10 metre line. Tigers win their own lineout and charge up through the middle. Cipriani charges downfield, but it will come back. Johnson knocks the ball on after the pass.
54'Leicester Tigers with another put in to the scrum. They win the penalty for the second time in quick succession.
54'Substitute on - Dan Robson , Wasps
54'Player substituted - Joe Simpson , Wasps
54'Substitute on - Marty Moore , Wasps
54'Player substituted - Phil Swainston , Wasps
54'16-20 Conversion - Freddie Burns , Leicester Tigers
52'Ashley Johnson tried to go over the top and Owen Williams blocked it, the ball came back on the Tigers side and they now lead.
52'TRY Ben Youngs releases O'Connor and inches from the line. The ball is spread wide, and with a huge overlap Telusa Veainu goes in to score.
52'16-18 Try - Telusa Veainu , Leicester Tigers
51'Genge takes it on but he's stopped. Barrow breaks inside the 22 again. Youngs puts it back inside to Thompstone but Wasps turn the ball over. It then goes back on the Tigers side.
50'Gopperth charges up on Burns, there is advantage but Leicester Tigers break up midway into the Wasps half. Burns kicks ahead and regathers on the 22. Huge chance for Tigers.
49'Player substituted - Luke Hamilton , Leicester Tigers
49'Substitute on - Mike Williams , Leicester Tigers
48'Leicester put in to the scrum and the penalty goes against Phil Swainston. Burns will kick Leicester back inside the Wasps half.
47'Young drives Wasps inside the Tigers half but the ball is spilled forward. We will have a scrum.
47'Jimmy Goppeth jinking his way towards halfway. Wasps have no real breakthrough and just put the ball left and then right.
47'Player substituted - Kurtley Beale , Wasps
47'Substitute on - Josh Bassett , Wasps
46'Beale pulls up and he limps off the field with two physios helping him off the field. Huge loss for Wasps.
45'The Tigers knock the ball on and Wasps attack down the left touchline through Beale. A kick through is recovered by Tigers and Youngs clears to touch around halfway.
44'Simpson puts a box kick down the throat of Telusa Veainu. Burns kicks down to Beale who clears to touch. Not the ideal outcome for Wasps.
44'Telusa Veainu takes it and Ben Youngs puts a box kick up to the Wasps 22.
44'Simpson feeds, Hughes goes to Cipriani and Le Roux kicks down to the Tigers 10 metre line.
43'Wasps scrum, 15 metres from their own line.
43'Fitzgerald takes it on. Beatham takes it forward, 15 metres from the line. Ashley Johnson puts in a big hit and the Tigers knock the ball on.
42'Wasps trying to get out of their 22, Cipriani kicks to halfway. Hamilton brings Tigers back up to the Wasps 22.
41'16-13 End of first half
40'We are back underway at the Ricoh. Forty minutes and one of their season will be over. Who can take the chance?
40'Hughes gathers the restart, Simpson feeds Gopperth and Gopperth kicks to touch and the referees halftime whistle goes. Three points in it at the break.
40'16-13 Start of second half
40'16-13 Penalty goal - Jimmy Gopperth , Wasps
38'Simpson box kicks to Telusa Veainu who runs the ball back but Fitzgerald is penalised for an off the ball tackle. Silly play. Gopperth will now line up a kick at goal, right of the posts, three metres past halfway.
37'Neither scrum moves much, but Johnson hooks the ball back with his knee. Then Johnson is driven back by Genge.
36'Launchbury struggling after catching his knee under Tom Youngs leg. It will be put to the test in this scrum.
36'Wasps cough up possession. Ben Youngs kicks through and Peter Beatham gathers on the run, but unfortunately Owen Williams knocks on.
35'Gopperth's penalty bounces off the outside of the left upright and wide. A let-off for Leicester. Burns will take the 22 drop out.
34'Penalty goes against Leicester for coming in from the side, five metres in from the left touchline. Gopperth lines up a shot at goal.
33'Fitzgerald gathers in the lineout for Leicester and Ben Youngs box kicks into touch. Wasps lineout just outside the Tigers 22.
32'The Wasps scrum is solid. Hughes picks up and then Simpson spreads it wide to Daly who kicks ahead and Wasps will now look to put the pressure on the Tigers' lineout 10 metres from their own line.
31'Wasps have the put in to the scrum but the players get to know each other a bit better before the ball is put in. We'll reset and go again.
30'Cipriani, Le Roux, Beale and Gopperth take the ball inside the Tigers half.
29'Wasps spread the ball wide from the scrum but Daly is put down on halfway.
29'13-13 Conversion - Freddie Burns , Leicester Tigers
27'TRY The ball is spread wide, Burns spread the ball wide, missing out two players and Peter Betham gets in to score.
27'13-11 Try - Peter Betham , Leicester Tigers
26'Leicester spread it wide and Mathew Tait makes a little break. Tigers break into the Wasps 22 for the first time. Youngs takes it to within 10 metres of the Wasps line. Fitzgerald stopped.
25'Simpson box kicks to Telusa Veainu who shows his slight of foot again. We go wide with Le Roux stopping the Tigers march.
24'A long restart is taken by Gopperth near the sideline. Simpson snipes around the breakdown. Wasps inching out of their 22.
24'13-6 Penalty goal - Jimmy Gopperth , Wasps
23'And Gopperth will line up a shot at goal here.
23'Graham Kitchener with the lineout take, but Leicester are adjudged to be offside after a box kick from Youngs.
21'Tate takes the restart for Tigers and runs 10 metres out of the 22. It is kicked down and Launchbury takes the ball in the air. He releases Le Roux but Thomas Young is put into touch.
21'10-6 Penalty goal - Freddie Burns , Leicester Tigers
19'Leicester have the penalty for not releasing and the Tigers will have a shot at goal.
18'Ashley Johnson returns from a HIA as Ben Youngs kicks down and it comes back on the Tigers side, Peter Betham takes on Wade but when it comes back Elliot Daly and Wade shut the door and Wasps have the lineout.
18'Substitute on - Ashley Johnson , Wasps
18'Player substituted - Tommy Taylor , Wasps
17'10-3 Penalty goal - Freddie Burns , Leicester Tigers
15'Matt Symons gathers in the lineout. Hughes is driven back to his 22 and Leicester Tigers win the penalty at the breakdown. Wasps make a mistake after Hughes takes the ball standing still. Penalty and Burns will line this one up.
14'Tigers now up to the Wasps 22. Burns kicks in behind and it will be a Wasps lineout. Le Roux looks for a quick one but the referee is having none of it.
13'Fitzgerald takes and a kick through from Ben Youngs bounces out of play in the in-goal area and Wasps have the 22 drop out.
12'Thompstone recovers a kick through and Joe Simpson gathers inside his 22 and he clears to touch. Leicester lineout midway inside the Wasps half.
12'Substitute on - Tommy Taylor , Wasps
12'Player substituted - Ashley Johnson , Wasps
11'Ashley Johnson goes off for a HIA, as Wasps win their lineout but they are back inside their own half.
10'The ball is floated wide to Adam Thompstone. Barrow is penalised for taking out Nathan Hughes at the breakdown and Wasps kick back inside the Leicester half. Needless penalty.
10'10-0 Conversion - Jimmy Gopperth , Wasps
9'Launchbury gathers the restart. Simpson feeds Cipriani, he kicks and Telusa Veainu runs it back.
8'It all came from Freddie Burns' kick that went out on the full. Le Roux pops the ball back in to Beale to touch down. Fantastic start.
8'8-0 Try - Kurtley Beale , Wasps
7'Launchbury secures the lineout and with a penalty advantage, Gopperth, Beale, Le Roux, back to Beale and we have our first try. Brilliant from Wasps.
6'Simpson kicks down to Freddie Burns who kicks out on the full. They are going to come back for the Wasps lineout midway through the Tigers half.
5'Leicester win the ball on the lineout, kicked down by Youngs and Wade gathers. Doesn't get far and he is put down.
5'The ball comes back to Burns and Beale gathers, releases Gopperth who kicks through and Telusa Veainu gathers and is put into touch.
4'Wasps lineout, taken by Haskell towards the front. Hughes barges forward. Simpson's box kick is chased but Telusa Veainu, sees a small gap and goes through a hole.
3'Ben Youngs snipes through but he kicks the ball dead and Wasps have the lineout as Phil Swainston receives some treatment.
3'First scrum. Hughes goes early off the back of the scrum. O'Connor does well to slow him down. A kick through gives Leicester back possession.
2'A long kick from Freddie Burns and with Cipriani set to gather, Adam Thompstone goes up for the ball knocks on.
2'Jimmy Gopperth smashes it from close to halfway and Dai Youngs' Wasps are on the scoreboard.
2'3-0 Penalty goal - Jimmy Gopperth , Wasps
1'33 seconds gone and Brendon O'Connor is penalised at the breakdown after Kurtley Beale takes the ball in the air. Penalty for Wasps.
1'And we are off at the Ricoh. The rain has cleared and hopefully a sign of things to come as Danny Cipriani gets us under way.
1'The atmosphere at the Ricoh is incredible. An epic semifinal to come. Wasps have been in scintillating attacking form. We should be in for a cracker here.
1'Welcome to the live coverage of Wasps against Leicester Tigers for a place in the Aviva Premiership final. The teams as follows:
1'0-0 Start of first half