
Lindsey Vonn struggles at end of run, finishes tied for 6th in super-G

No medal for Vonn in women's super-G (2:03)

ESPN's Julie Foudy and Wayne Drehs discuss the women's super-G and the surprising gold-medal winner that no one expected. (2:03)

JEONGSEON, South Korea -- American Lindsey Vonn struggled at the end of her super-G run Saturday and failed to medal in her first Olympic event at Pyeongchang.

Vonn, who was the first competitor on the course, went way wide on one of the final turns late in the course after skiing a near-perfect run up to that point. She finished in 1 minute, 21.49 seconds, tied for sixth.

"No. 1 is always really difficult, especially in super-G," Vonn told NBC. "I think it was a pretty big disadvantage, to be honest.

"I attacked. I gave it everything I had. I have no regrets. I made a mistake at the bottom, but that's what happens in super-G's."

Vonn joked that she was happy she didn't finish fourth.

"I may not have gotten a medal, but I'm proud of my performance," she told NBC. "I have two races left, and I'm hoping those go a little better."

Ester Ledecka of the Czech Republic made a stunning run from back in the pack to take the Olympic super-G title. The 22-year-old blazed through the course in 1:21.11.

Defending champion Anna Veith of Austria earned the silver, finishing 0.01 seconds back, and Tina Weirather of Liechtenstein captured bronze.

Vonn, who took the bronze medal in the super-G at the 2010 Vancouver Games and missed the 2014 Sochi Games, will have another chance in the downhill and the alpine combined.

At 33, she is trying to become the oldest woman to win an Olympic Alpine medal.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.