
Skateboard phenom Sky Brown hospitalized after fall

Sky Brown, the 11-year-old skateboarder who is looking to become Great Britain's youngest summer Olympian next year, was taken to the hospital by helicopter after a scary fall during a recent training session in California.

Brown was unresponsive when she arrived at the hospital Thursday, according to the BBC. She remains hospitalized with skull fractures, and a broken left wrist and hand, but her family expects her to make a full recovery.

"Sky landed head first off a ramp on her hand," Brown's father, Stuart, told the BBC. "When she first came to the hospital, everyone was fearful for her life. ... Sky had the gnarliest fall she's ever had and is lucky to be alive."

Brown posted a video to her social media accounts Monday, documenting the accident and reflecting on it from her hospital bed. In the clip, she can be seen losing control and speeding off the top of the halfpipe on her board. The footage cuts away before she makes contact with the ground.

She called it her "worst fall" but insisted she was "OK" and "excited to come back even stronger and even tougher."

"My helmet and arm saved my life," she wrote in the description of the video on YouTube. "This will not stop me. I am going for gold in Tokyo 2021. Stay strong. Stay positive."

Brown has become one of the most recognizable names in skateboarding over the past few years and is considered a legitimate medal contender for Tokyo as the sport makes its Olympic debut. She is ranked No. 3 in the world in the park discipline. She has more than 525,000 followers on Instagram and was the winner on the lone season of "Dancing with the Stars: Juniors" in 2018.

Born in Japan and living part of the year in the United States, Brown was highly sought after by multiple federations, but she chose to represent Great Britain, where her father was born.