
'It's ridiculous': Robinson shuts down Suaali'i early exit

Coach Trent Robinson never believed Joseph-Aukuso Suaali'i would be at the Sydney Roosters forever but has slammed suggestions the 19-year-old should fast-track his code switch and join Rugby Australia immediately.

A matter of days after extending with the Roosters through to the end of next season, Suaali'i signed a three-year contract with the 15-man code worth an estimated $1.6 million per year from 2025.

The Roosters centre was an elite rugby talent in his days at The King's School and had faced speculation of a potential code hop since before he made his NRL debut as a 17-year-old.

Robinson said the move, finalised late last week, had neither surprised nor upset him but Suaali'i would be welcome back at the Roosters in future.

"His decision to move in 2025, that's his decision. I was pretty relaxed," he said.

"I didn't think Joey was going to be a 10-year player, I thought he would often play for the Roosters but I also knew his desire to play different levels, different sports.

"I know he's a Rooster and he's quite clear on that.

"Really supportive and happy with the process from our point of view."

Rated one of the NRL's best young talents, Suaali'i's move has been the subject of extensive public and media attention.

On Monday night's episode of 100% Footy, commentator and Canterbury general manager Phil Gould suggested now that the rugby deal was done, Suaali'i would be better off making an immediate move.

Ahead of the Roosters' clash with Parramatta on Thursday night, Robinson hit back at the suggestion and insisted Suaali'i would be staying put until the end of his contract.

"It's a ridiculous comment. That was a guy that's looking after another club," Robinson said of Gould.

"Ridiculous comment to say about Joey and what he would do. He can stick to his turf and we'll stick to ours and how we want to deal with it.

"It showed a fair bit of a fear, for me, about another code. Lots of players sign a year out. Coaches go between rugby union and rugby league. To come out against Joey, as a 19-year-old, showed a fair bit of fear.

"He'll be here, those conversations are really clear between Joseph and myself and the club.

"There's no desire from (rugby) to get him out early, either."

On the Six Tackles With Gus podcast later on Wednesday, Gould doubled down on his comments and shrugged off Robinson's reply.

"(Robinson) can only stick up for his player, and he's got to build a relationship with the player because he's got him there for another 18 months," Gould said.

"I fear nothing, and I fear no one, so I'm not sure what he's talking about there.

"It's a competition between the codes, it's as simple as that. You can't get away from that fact.

"He's in our game for the next couple of years promoting rugby. That's what it's going to be. Let him go now."

With speculation rugby could come calling for former schoolboy talents such as Cameron Murray, Tolu Koula and Will Penisini, Robinson called for calm in NRL circles.

"We're going to have a great competition, always. This is the pinnacle of any rugby competition in the world. So stay cool, relax," he said.

"We're always going to attract players that want to be their best, that want to be at the height of the game.

"We've got 17 teams of such a great competition. That's the calmness I guess that says we're going to produce players.

"Don't come out with fearful comments about other codes and all of that. Respect both sides of it, enjoy parts of their game, but stand tall on what our game is."