
Fnatic cruises to third in EU LCS spring playoffs

Fnatic's 3-0 sweep of Misfits netted the team third place, 30,000 Euros and 50 championship points. Misfits walked away in fourth place with 20,000 Euros and 30 championship points. Riot Games

Fnatic made short work of Misfits in a 3-0 sweep in the third/fourth place decider match for the European League of Legends Championship Series spring playoffs in Hamburg, Germany, on Saturday.

The first game of the series started off fairly even with neither team finding a sizable separation in the first 25 minutes. Fnatic took the first noticeable lead of the game when it won a 2-for-0 teamfight and quickly destroyed the Baron soon after. With its buff, Fnatic rotated to swiftly knock down tower after tower, eventually battling into the Misfits base. After back-to-back winning teamfights, Fnatic was able to easily go up in the series 1-0. Fnatic ADC Martin "Rekkles" Larsson played extremely well, posting a 8/0/5 KDA (kills/deaths/assists) on Kennen.

Game 2 kicked off with Fnatic finding an early 2-for-0 trade, quickly jumping out to a lead. Misfits countered, however, by earning a triple kill thanks to ADC Steven "Hans sama" Liv's Lucian (finishing with a 3/2/1 KDA). The lead didn't last long, though, as Fnatic mid laner Rasmus "Caps" Winther (7/1/6 KDA on LeBlanc) found a delayed triple kill. After trading towers with Misfits, Fnatic took down Baron and began its siege into the Misfits base. Two teamfights later, Fnatic went up 2-0 in the series.

Match point for Fnatic began with Fnatic feeding two early kills to Rekkles as Kennen (6/1/4 KDA) by feasting on Misfits support Lee "IgNar" Dong-geun as Nami (2/4/6 KDA). While Misfits was able to eventually find picks and trade kills with Fnatic to even the deficit, Fnatic knocked down towers without any answer from Misfits. The game blew open after Fnatic snuck a Baron at 22 minutes, which allowed it to win a 3-for-1 trade and break all three Misfits inhibitors. It took one more small teamfight for Fnatic to close out the series 3-0.

With the win, Fnatic secured a third-place finish along with 50 championship points and 30,000 Euros ($32,179), while Misfits finished in a respectable fourth place, with 30 championship points and 20,000 Euros ($21,453).