
Samsung ends split on high note

Samsung Galaxy was in true form during its 2-0 sweep of ROX Tigers to close out its League of Legends Champions Korea spring split regular season. Jo "Core JJ" Yong-in, pictured, and the World Championship runner-up has its sights set on playoffs now. Provided by Riot Games

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The World Championship runner-up Samsung Galaxy finished the League of Legends Champions Korea Spring Split with a commanding 2-0 sweep of the ROX Tigers on Saturday during Week 10, Day 4 in Seoul, South Korea.

Samsung (14-4, 30-12 match record) started and ended this series with a bang, kicking things off with the jungler Minseung "Haru" Kang's Lee Sin getting two kills just a few minutes in. ROX (8-10, 21-26 match record) fired back with some kills of its own, including a big double kill that gave it first tower gold about 10 minutes in. At this point, a series of chaotic fights broke out, and Samsung consistently came out on top. Even though Samsung picked up 3-for-0 and 2-for-1 teamfight wins, though, ROX still held a lead from taking down towers. Samsung kept trudging along until it decisively took down the Baron at 25 minutes and then picked up a 5-for-2 ace on the back of a Haru double kill. Led by another Haru double kill later on, which gave him an overall 8/0/5 KDA (kills/deaths/assists), Samsung picked up another big teamfight win to fully destroy ROX's base and secure the 31-minute win.

The second game followed a very similar script to Game 1, with Samsung getting an early first blood before ROX clawed back in it through messy teamfights. At one point, ROX owned a 10-to-8 advantage in kills and a 2-to-1 advantage in towers, but Samsung was still up by almost 1,000 gold due to the sizable advantages in farm that every lane owned. In an almost identical fashion to Game 1, Samsung picked up a big 5-for-1 ace that was powered by a triple kill from jungler Kang "Ambition" Chan-yong's Kha'Zix at the 26-minute mark. The teamfight win also allowed Samsung to pick up a Baron kill and start pushing for advantages all across the map. ROX had no defense against any of what Samsung put out in the late game, eventually leading to another ace to allow Samsung to push into the base and secure the 36-minute win.

Samsung locked up the No. 2 seed with the win and will look ahead to the playoffs in a couple weeks, while ROX will be forced to watch from the sidelines and look forward to the Summer Split.