
Team Dignitas makes most of Team EnVyUs miscues

Team Dignitas support Alex "Xpecial" Chu celebrates his team's fourth straight series victory Saturday following a 2-1 win against Team EnVyUs during Week 8 of the North American League of Legends Championship Series Spring Split in Los Angeles. Provided by Riot Games

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Team Dignitas extend its win streak to four as it defeated Team EnVyUs 2-1 on Saturday during Week 8, Day 2 of the North American League of Legends Championship Series Spring Split in Los Angeles.

Team Dignitas (8-8, 20-20 match record) fell behind early as jungler Lee "Chaser" Sang-hyun's Lee Sin gave up first blood. That didn't stop Chaser from making plays, though: He participated in the first three kills for his squad. Team EnVyUs (3-12, 11-25 match record) held a small gold lead in the first 20 minutes through first turret gold and Creep Score, but it didn't help at all in the first major teamfight. Dignitas secured the Infernal Drake buff before turning for a 1-for-0 win during the battle at 20 minutes. Dignitas continued to snowball, taking a 5-for-2 ace and Mountain Drake at 26 minutes, which led to a Baron kill. While EnVyUs was able to stall the first Baron push, Dignitas learned its lesson, methodically pushing after securing a second Baron buff before taking Game 1.

EnVyUs jungler Nam "LirA" Tae-yoo had a much better performance on Elise in Game 2 as he focused pressure on the bottom lane. The constant ganks and attention gave AD carry Apollo "Apollo" Price's Caitlyn a huge gold lead, which EnVyUs centered its play around throughout the mid game as it took a lead in turrets, kills and gold. Dignitas lost part of its base before forcing the first 5-vs-5 teamfight of Game 2 at the 35-minute mark which it won 3-for-2. EnVyUs came back and destroyed the rest of Dignitas' base, but still couldn't finish, requiring a Baron buff for EnVyUs to finally push and extend the series to Game 3.

The start of Game 3 had plenty of skirmishes, mainly in the bottom lane. Dignitas AD carry Benjamin "LoD" deMunck thrived as he picked up lots of kills and assists from the fights. Team EnVyUs tried to get a 1-3-1 split push going, but Dignitas easily dealt with it because top laner Shin "Seraph" Wu-Yeong's Maokai was seemingly perpetually overextended. Dignitas slowly built a gold lead as it rotated across the map, picking up objectives and keeping its foot on the gas pedal. Envy's defense held until the third Baron of Game 3 spawned and Dignitas won the teamfight over it 3-for-1. Dignitas needed to win a few more skirmishes but eventually closed out the Game 3 win in 46 minutes.

Team EnVyUs finishes off its Week 8 games on Sunday against Cloud9 at approximately 8 p.m ET, while Team Dignitas' next series is against Cloud9 on March 24 at 6 p.m ET.