
Team Liquid's aces keep the dream alive

Chae "Piglet" Gwang-jin (left) and Kim “Reignover” Yeu-Jin (right) of Team Liquid are interviewed after a win in the NA LCS. Provided by Riot Games

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Team Liquid (4-10, 14-23 match record) took a crucial step towards climbing out of the relegation zone on Friday, defeating Team EnVyUs (3-11, 10-23) during Week 7, Day 3 of the North American League of Legends Championship Series Spring Split in Los Angeles.

Team Liquid jungler Kim "Reignover" Yeu-Jin was active early in Game 1 on Elise to help TL secure kills and neutral objectives. Team Liquid made a few mistakes but slowly took a gold lead thanks to top laner Samson "Lourlo" Jackson split pushing on Camille, who created massive pressure. Team EnVyUs kept the gold close as it started to win trades in teamfights but got punished by Liquid for attempting a Baron kill with too little health. Liquid scored a 32-minute ace, taking Baron and pushing EnVyUs into their base. EnVyUs found no other opportunities to comeback and lost Game 1 after Liquid scored a second ace.

EnVyUs jungler Nam "LirA" Tae-yoo made back-to-back ganks in bottom lane on Lee Sin to participate in the first three kills of Game 2, launching NV ahead early. EnVyUs AD carry Apollo "Apollo" Price's Ziggs benefited from the pressure, scaling well while quickly destroying bottom lane turrets with Satchel Charge. Liquid quickly fell behind as it got picked off over and over while trying to defend against EnVyUs' pressure all around the map. Once EnVyUs secured a Baron kill, it pushed to win, destroying any member of Liquid that tried to stop them to force Game 3.

Liquid ran with another split push team composition in Game 3 that featured Lourlo on Camille again. EnVyUs put together the better early game as it had a lead in turrets, kills, and gold heading into the late game. Liquid stalled as best it could, fighting back from its 5,000 gold deficit and turning it into a 3,000 gold lead after a Baron buff 33 minutes in. The momentum quickly swung against EnVyUs as an ace cost them two inhibitors, as NV's only chance back was to take Baron and get away quickly. EnVyUs succeeded in taking Baron but traded 3-for-3 in the ensuing teamfight. Liquid regained control quickly after everyone respawned, picking up a much-needed win to stay alive in the playoffs race.

Team Liquid begins Week 8 facing off against Team Dignitas on Friday at 6:00 p.m ET. Team EnVyUs' Week 8 also begins with a series against Team Dignitas on Saturday at 3:00 p.m ET.