
FlyQuest keeps falling, loses to Immortals

Immortals support Kim "Olleh" Joo-sung was crucial in Game 2 as his team swept FlyQuest during Saturday's action at the North American League of Legends Championship Series in Los Angeles. Provided by Riot Games

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FlyQuest, one of the best teams in North America at the start of the Spring Split, continues to fall in the League of Legends Championship Series standings and suffered another setback against Immortals in a clean sweep during Week 7, Day 2 action in Los Angeles.

Immortals (6-7, 16-16 match record) got an early advantage in Game 1 by securing several quick kills in lane. By just 10 minutes, Immortals top laner Lee "Flame" Ho-Jong found two kills for himself on Shen by counter-ganking for his mid laner. Once ahead, Immortals had no trouble pushing its lead against FlyQuest (7-7, 17-16), executing on ganks early and taking sole control of objectives.

Staring at a large disadvantage, FlyQuest's jungler Galen "Moon" Holgate played aggressively on Elise in an attempt to will his team back into the game. He was unable to do so thanks to Immortals mid laner Eugene "Pobelter" Park's Katarina capitalizing on a botched skirmish attempt and racking up a triple kill. FlyQuest couldn't find a way back into the game against the calculated aggression of Immortals, resulting in a 33-minute defeat in Game 1.

Game 2 was another extremely clean outing from Immortals as it once again found an early lead. AD carry Cody "Cody Sun" Sun and his support Kim "Olleh" Joo-sung quickly found two kills by dominating their lane in a 2-on-2 fight. Olleh didn't stop here, freely roaming and decimating FlyQuest in skirmishes. Boasting a 4/0/2 KDA (kills/deaths/assists) just nine minutes into the game, Olleh's roams were crucial in his team picking up a huge lead.

The early advantage allowed Immortals to take control of the map once again, preventing FlyQuest's top laner An "BalIs" Le's Nautilus from making use of his team's sole kill early on. Although FlyQuest's mid laner Hai "Hai" Lam was able to use Orianna in conjunction with Moon's Graves to set up a trap and kill the opposing top laner at 23 minutes, it was nowhere near enough to bring FlyQuest back into the game, and the team was pushed back into its base a few minutes later.

Immortals will square off against Team SoloMid on Sunday at 6 p.m. ET. FlyQuest, which was 6-1 halfway through Week 4 of the split, gets the rest of the week to regroup before a 6 p.m. March 18 matchup against TSM.