
Overwatch APEX Day 15: Lunatic-Hai advances to Group A semis

Stellar Ana play by Yoo "lucid" Jun Seo wasn't enough to keep KongDoo Uncia in contention at OGN Overwatch APEX Season 2. The team was eliminated by Lunatic-Hai on Friday. Provided by Blizzard

The last game of Group A in OGN APEX Season 2 decided the second team to make it to the semifinals. It came down to either KongDoo Uncia or Lunatic-Hai, both of whom have impressed many during the first group phase of the tournament.

Unfortunately for KDU, it was an off day, and Lunatic-Hai took advantage.

The first map of Ilios set the tone of the entire set as Lunatic-Hai was destroying KDU, and yet KDU players Kim "birdring" Ji Hyuk and Yoo "lucid" Jun Seo played out of their minds, keeping KDU alive as long as they could. Birdring's Genji and Lunatic-Hai's Lee "Whoru" Seung Joon's Genji were vital heroes in this set. While the two didn't necessarily have one-on-one duels, they were consistently killing the supports of each other's teams, which delayed pushes or helped take back control of some of the points on Ilios.

The real hero for KDU was lucid, whose Ana play and map awareness were top-notch. Consistently hitting accurate sleep darts on heroes whenever they got a Nano Boost from their own Ana, lucid thwarted multiple efforts by both Whoru's Genji and Gong "Miro" Jin Hyuk's Winston. Birdring and lucid's fantastic plays only made their teammates flaws look worse, however, as they weren't performing as well as they have been all season. Lunatic-Hai took Ilios 2-1 and would carry that momentum through the rest of the set.

On King's Row, Lunatic-Hai put up a stellar defense, including a surprise Whoru switch to Pharah for defense. Lunatic-Hai held KDU to one point with better focus-fire and coordination while KDU continued to stumble on offense, and then on defense. Lunatic-Hai didn't have too hard a time pushing its payload past KDU's finish line.

With a 2-0 lead going into Temple of Anubis, KDU's only hope was to reverse-sweep the series, but Miro's Winston play was too much. He pushed KDU members back to Point A with Primal Rage and kept his opponents from reaching Point B as a group. Lunatic-Hai held KDU to only one point, making things more bleak by the second.

Lucid continued to impress on Ana by foiling Whoru's attempts at massacring his teammates, and Yoon "Butcher" Seong Won's Winston and Lee "Panker" Byung Ho's Reinhardt kept KDU alive long enough to hold Lunatic-Hai off the final point on defense. This brought the teams to a sudden death map, but the underdog comeback wasn't meant to be. Lunatic-Hai finished off KDU by claiming a single point on Oasis.

With a 3-0 victory, Lunatic-Hai joins RunAway in the semifinals. Group B -- which consists of Meta Athena, AFreeca Freecs Blue, KongDoo Panthera and LW Blue -- begin contending for the semifinal on Monday.