
Cloud9 runs away with 2-0 sweep of Echo Fox

Nicolaj "Jensen" Jensen had a few multikills to help Cloud9 surge ahead in its 2-0 sweep of Echo Fox on Saturday in the North American League of Legends Championship Series. Provided by Riot Games

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Cloud9 picked up a fairly one-sided sweep against Echo Fox during Week 6, Day 2 of the North American League of Legends Championship Series on Saturday in Los Angeles, California.

Cloud9 (9-2, 19-8 match record) was able to pick up the win in Game 1 on the back of strong objective control, including a bottom inhibitor turret kill just 17 minutes into the game. Cloud9 secured the first Baron six minutes later and won the ensuing teamfight 2-for-0, with mid laner Nicolaj "Jensen" Jensen's Orianna picking up a double kill.

Despite Echo Fox's best attempts to stall out the game, Cloud9 secured two more Barons and the Elder Drake in the 44th minute to take full control of the late game. A 3-for-1 teamfight win in the 45 minute allowed Cloud9 to march into the Echo Fox (4-7, 10-16 match record) base and take out the Nexus. Cloud9 top laner Jung "Impact" Eon-yeong earned Player of the Game after a 2/0/5 KDA (kills/deaths/assists) on Renekton.

Despite a closely contested start to Game 2, Cloud9 took the win in 27 minutes thanks to strong mid-game teamfighting. Once again, Cloud9 controlled most of the game's objectives, securing turrets and drakes even when giving away deaths.

Cloud9 swung momentum in its favor for good during a 3-for-0 teamfight win, and a triple kill for Jensen's Jayce, near the 19-minute mark. Another 3-for-0 teamfight win in the 24 minute allowed Cloud9 to open the middle inhibitor and an 8,000-gold lead, while a final 3-for-0 skirmish victory at 26 minutes let Cloud9 push down the top inhibitor, meet super minions in the middle lane and end the game in quick fashion. Cloud9 jungler Juan "Contractz" Garcia finished Game 2 with a 6/2/5 KDA and was a force on Graves.

Echo Fox will get a chance to redeem itself against Team Liquid on Sunday at 3 p.m. ET, and Cloud9 will square off in yet another pivotal battle that day against FlyQuest on 6 p.m. ET.