
Team SoloMid breaks Cloud9's winning streak

Soren "Bjergsen" Bjerg and Team SoloMid found their groove against Echo Fox during the 2017 League of Legends summer split. Provided by Riot Games

In a highly anticipated matchup, Team SoloMid took on Cloud9 during Week 5, Day 2 of the North American League of Legends Championship Series. Ruining C9's undefeated streak, TSM took a 2-1 series win to close out Saturday's action in Los Angeles.

Cloud9 had a strong start to Game 1 as support Andy "Smoothie" Ta's Thresh picked up first blood in the bottom lane at four minutes, but TSM quickly took control with a pick in the bottom of the map. Top laner Kevin "Hauntzer" Yarnell was huge for TSM on Maokai, engaging several fights including a 3-for-0 fight at 14 minutes to put TSM ahead in gold. TSM's Soren "Bjergsen" Bjerg's Orianna hit a massive three-man Command: Shockwave to secure a teamfight win and Baron kill around 24 minutes. Snowballing out of control, Bjergsen picked up a pentakill en route to his flawless 8/0/2 KDA (kills/deaths/assists), aiding in taking down Cloud9's base and securing Game 1 in 32 minutes.

Team SoloMid picked up where it had left off in Game 1 as jungler Dennis "Svenskeren" Johnsen's Kha'Zix earned first blood early on. In a chaotic early-mid game, TSM came out ahead in gold thanks to winning cross-map skirmishes while taking towers on the back of Bjergsen's fed Jayce. TSM overstepped its lead, however, getting pinched inside of C9's base and subsequently getting aced near the 28-minute mark. Securing their first Baron kill shortly afterward, C9 took control of the game through top laner Jung "Impact" Eon-yeong's Nautilus, sweeping through late-game teamfights to take Game 2 in just over 40 minutes.

Cloud9 jumped ahead early in the crucial Game 3, but Hauntzer responded on Shen by picking up a solokill at the nine-minute mark. After a back-and-forth early game, Team SoloMid carved out a lead with a 5-for-1 ace at 22 minutes on the back of Bjergsen's Zed, but a Baron steal from Cloud9's Juan "Contractz" Arturo Garcia Kha'Zix threatened to blow the game open in C9's favor. Retaking control, Bjergsen and Hauntzer combined to take a 3-for-1 fight in the bottom lane, shutting Cloud9's momentum down. Hauntzer was an unkillable beast in the late game, initiating along with Bjergsen to earn a 4/1/10 KDA for 70 percent kill participation, while Bjergsen carved C9 to shreds, dealing a game-high 30,900 damage to enemy champions. Picking up a charged Elder Dragon buff and a Baron kill, TSM had all the tools it needed to push through C9's defenses and take Game 3 in just over 39 minutes.