
Team Dignitas bounce back in 2-0 sweep over EnVyUs

William "Stunt" Chen is the substitute support for Team Dignitas. Provided by Riot Games

Team Dignitas swept Team EnVyUs on Sunday to close out Week 4, Day 3 of the North American League of Legends Championship Series Spring Split in Los Angeles, CA.

Team EnVyUs put together a solid start to Game 1, as mid laner Noh "Ninja" Geon-Woo's Cassiopeia secured first blood on Team Dignitas' jungler Lee "Chaser" Sang-hyun's Graves. Building off the early tone-setter, EnVyUs took two more kills before Team Dignitas answered with its first of the match. After the initial skirmishes, both teams played cautiously until the 25-minute mark when Dignitas traded one death for four kills. That teamfight victory opened up an easy Baron kill -- spelling the beginning of the end for EnVyUs -- as Dignitas rotated the map with Baron-empowered minions that took down turrets and inhibitors. EnVyUs made a final stand 32 minutes in, which Dignitas quickly squashed to secure the Game 1 win.

In Game 2, instead of risking a teamfight over objectives, the teams opted to trade them. EnVyUs took the top lane towers and first blood on Dignitas' top laner Kim "Ssumday" Chan-ho's Shen. Dignitas answered back by taking tier one of the bottom lane and turning its focus toward dominating neutral objectives. Then, at the 22-minute mark, Dignitas found a favorable engage that traded one death for four kills and a Baron buff, which led to a huge gold lead and left EnVyUs with only their tier three turrets. After using a second Baron buff to knock down two inhibitors, Dignitas grouped to make a final push for the last inhibitor, but EnVyUs threw them back around the 40-minute mark. However, it wouldn't be long until Dignitas returned with a four stack Elder Dragon to finish off the sweep.