
Team SoloMid earns its first sweep victory of the Spring Split against Team EnVyUs

Team SoloMid celebrates after a win in the NA LCS. Provided by Riot Games

Team SoloMid earned its first 2-0 victory of the Spring Split on Saturday with a win over last-place Team EnVyUs on Week 4, Day 2 of the North American League of Legends Championship Series in Los Angeles.

TSM and EnVyUs went blow for blow early in Game 1, with the lane-oriented builds of NV matching up against the poke and teamfight prowess of TSM's team composition. This left the teams only 500 gold apart at the 21-minute mark, when a 5-vs-5 teamfight in the river saw TSM mid laner Soren "Bjergsen" Bjerg's Jayce grab a double kill, allowing TSM to take the Baron for free. Although the game had been close until that point, TSM proceeded to smash NV the rest of the way, ending the game through the bottom lane at 24 minutes before the Baron buff had even expired.

Game 2 was slower in the beginning, with first blood not coming until the 10-minute mark from a bottom lane gank for NV. Even before this kill, though, NV's lane focus had earned CS leads on every member, granting it a large advantage early on. Unfortunately, as has been the case with NV all split, it was unable to press this lead properly. With repeated picks and cross-map trades, TSM slowly clawed its way back into the game, with the 2,000 gold lead that NV had accrued stagnating and becoming insignificant before long. Although TSM didn't actually take a gold lead of its own until 37 minutes in, the second half of this game was all TSM, and it took the Nexus before 40 minutes to secure the 2-0 sweep.