
FlyQuest soars to victory over Immortals

Hai "Hai" Lam celebrates after FlyQuest's 2-0 victory over Immortals. Provided by Riot Games

Immortals and FlyQuest looked to close out Week 3, Day 3 of the North American League of Legends Championship Series with a win as the teams clashed on Sunday in Los Angeles. Dominant from the very start, FlyQuest soared to a 2-0 series win, making short work of its opposition.

Galen "Moon" Holgate from FlyQuest had a strong performance in Game 1 on his pocket Evelynn, picking up first blood and a double kill at five minutes. FlyQuest played well around Moon and AD carry Johnny "Altec" Ru's Jhin, grouping mid and finding picks with Altec's Curtain Call several times throughout the mid game. FlyQuest were in complete control of the game, thwarting Immortals with clever shot-calling and a massive gold lead. Moon played exceptionally well, finishing with a flawless 4/0/11 KDA (kills/deaths/assists) for 79 percent kill participation. Despite Immortals' jungler Joshua "Dardoch" Hartnett picking up a triple kill as Graves in a desperate teamfight, FlyQuest secured the Baron kill and the 5-for-3 ace as Moon was free to push through Immortals' exposed base with the Baron buff to take Game 1 in 34 minutes.

While it was Hai "Hai" Lam's shot-calling from the mid lane that gave FlyQuest Game 1, it was his Zed that dominated Game 2, turning an early gank from Dardoch's Lee Sin around for first blood onto the IMT jungler. After picking up a double kill in a 3-for-1 fight at 10 minutes, the Hai snowball was officially out of control. Running rampant around the map, Hai created immense pressure to give FlyQuest room to secure free towers while a visibly tilted Immortals did little more than watch and pick up minor trade kills. FlyQuest made an example of Immortals, decimating them on the back of Hai's 11/2/4 KDA for 88 percent kill participation in just under 30 minutes for the clean 2-0 series sweep.