
NA LCS W3D2: Cloud9 maintains top spot with 2-0 win over Team EnVyUs

Cloud9 sits on the top of the standings in the North American League Championship Series. Provided by Riot Games

First-place Cloud9 breezed its way to a 2-0 victory over last-place EnVyUs on Day 2 Week 3 of the North American League of Legends Championship Series on Saturday in Los Angeles.

Cloud9 had no trouble cleaning up EnVyUs in Game 1. Some early mayhem granted C9 a 3-for-1 skirmish victory less than four minutes in, putting it ahead from the start. Thanks to the efforts of Nicolaj "Jensen" Jensen's Ryze, who grabbed picks for Cloud9 across the map and maintained 100 percent kill participation until 24 minutes, the lead quickly snowballed out of control. In the end, Cloud9's gold lead was massive enough to guarantee it easy team fight victories, allowing the group to smash its way into EnVyUs' base to end the game in under 34 minutes.

Game 2 looked better for EnVy early on, as it grabbed first blood in a 3-vs-3 fight bottom lane under five minutes in. The two teams traded kills back and forth in the mid game, but EnVyUs generally maintained a gold lead all the way until 25 minutes, when a lost teamfight granted Cloud9 easy access to the Baron buff. From then on, Cloud9 dominated every fight, and though EnVy managed to drag out the game significantly, it was never again able to get a foothold. After taking several more fights and a second Baron, Cloud9 ended the game in just under 45 minutes.