
Immortals stay alive against Team EnVyUs

Joshua "Dardoch" Hartnett is looking solid on his new home in Immortals, an NA League of Legends Championship Series team. Provided by Riot Games

Immortals rallied to beat Team EnVyUs 2-1 on Week 2, Day 3 of the North American League of Legends Championship Series Spring Split on Sunday at the Battle Arena in Los Angeles.

Team EnVyUs' top laner Shin "Seraph" Woo-yeong's Nautilus had a great start to Game 1 as he invaded with jungler Nam "LirA" Tae-yoo's Kha'zix and took down Immortals jungler Joshua "Dardoch" Hartnett's Rek'Sai at his first jungle camp. Seraph and LirA then ran to top lane to catch Immortals top laner Lee "Flame" Ho-Jong's Gangplank, securing an early 2-0 lead in kills. Team EnVyUs' early control held until they slipped and lost some teamfights. However, they recovered nicely when they broke Immortals' first siege with the Baron buff, where they killed four and lost none. AD carry Apollo "Apollo" Price's Ashe made great fight engages with her Enchanted Crystal Arrow that helped Team EnVyUs close out Game 1.

Dardoch's Kha'zix in Game 2 ganked bottom to get AD carry Li Yu "Cody Sun" Sun's Ashe first blood but LirA's Rek'Sai quickly tied up the kills when he took down Flame's Nautilus in the top lane. Immortals were slightly behind, but took control late after catching Apollo and support Nickolas "Hakuho" Surgent's Karma. Once Baron was secured, they pressured top lane and pushed Team EnVyUs off their turret by acing them. The ace was all Immortals needed to finish Game 2 and tie up the series. Dardoch had a much better performance in Game 2 as he finished with a 9/0/3 KDA (kills, deaths, assists).

Game 3 was balancing on a tightrope as the teams stayed close in kills, gold and objectives. Immortals started a fight around Baron where they took down Apollo's Jhin and Hakuho's Malzahar that allowed them to secure the buff. With Baron buff, Immortals took the lead in turrets and built an 8,000 gold lead in the process. The advantage allowed them to force a fight around Elder Dragon, secure the buff, and score an ace of before finishing the series.