
Immortals run into unstoppable Cloud 9

Cloud 9 is on a roll to kick off the North American League of Legends Championship Series after blanking Immortals 2-0 and planting firmly in a three-way tie for first. Riot Games

Cloud9 looked unstoppable as they took down Immortals 2-0 in Week 2, Day 2 of the North American League of Legends Championship Series in Los Angeles on Saturday.

Game 1 was nothing but a highlight reel for Cloud9 jungler Juan "Contractz" Arturo Garcia and mid laner Nicolaj "Jensen" Jensen. The action started off at around the nine-minute mark, when jungler Joshua "Dardoch" Hartnett's Kha'Zix attempted a gank onto Jensen only to have it turned around into a 2-for-1 exchange. As a result, Contractz' Lee Sin grabbed first blood and a double kill. Contractz would continue to find picks across the map, and Jensen's Orianna would dominate teamfights, finishing the game with an 8/1/4 KDA (kills, deaths, assists).

The second game would be somewhat better for Immortals, but only insofar as Cloud9 took a bit longer to close it out. Seven minutes in, Dardoch once again gave away first blood in a gank attempt, this time going for a tower dive onto Jung "Impact" Eon-yeong's Nautilus as Lee Sin.

Cloud9 grabbed a 7-1 kill lead in the early game altogether, and while the mid-and-late-game teamfights would be somewhat closer than in Game 1, Cloud9 still won them exclusively. After one last teamfight in Immortals' base, Cloud9 closed out the game in 39-and-a-half minutes.