
Counter Logic Gaming makes Ashes of Team EnVyUs

Trevor "Stixxay" Hayes is Counter Logic Gaming's starting AD carry. Riot Games

After a rough loss to Team Liquid on Saturday, Counter Logic Gaming picked up its first win of the 2017 North American League Championship Series Spring Split on Sunday in Santa Monica, California, sweeping a struggling Team EnVyUs.

CLG got off to a strong start in Game 1, thanks in part to Trevor "Stixxay" Hayes and his strong performance on Ashe. Stixxay was a monster in teamfights, landing several Enchanted Crystal Arrows to start fights en route to a 8/1/10 KDA, good for 95 percent kill participation, while farming up a storm with 441 CS. While Team EnVyUs would come back with a teamfight win and Baron kill around 30 minutes, CLG's superior teamfighting gave control back to CLG at the 42-minute mark. Pushing into EnVy's base, Stixxay won an incredibly close teamfight for Counter Logic Gaming with a triple kill as they took a tumultuous Game 1 in 44:02.

In Game 2, Jake "Xmithie" Puchero got things going for CLG early on Olaf, picking up first blood before five minutes onto EnVy's Shin "Seraph" Wu-Yeong's Jayce. CLG would get overconfident, however, giving up several kills to Apollo "Apollo" Price's Varus. EnVy would fumble its lead, allowing CLG to engage onto its poke composition throughout the mid game before reestablishing control thanks to a big triple kill from Seraph in a 5-for-2 ace around 45 minutes. CLG could not be denied, keeping even in the game until Stixxay came up huge on Ashe, engaging the fight onto EnVy's backline and picking up the quadra-kill to close out a well played 2-0 series sweep.