
Echo Fox no match for Immortals

Provided by Riot Games

After rebuilding its roster during the offseason, Immortals kicked off its 2017 North American League Championship Series Spring Split on a high note defeating Echo Fox 2-1.

The series certainly didn't start out on a positive note for Immortals, as Echo Fox's rookie jungler, Matthew "Akaadian" Higginbotham applied strong pressure on Graves, picking up first blood on Immortals star import Lee "Flame" Ho-Jong's Fiora. Akaadian would snowball throughout the early game, picking up two more kills as Echo Fox out-rotated Immortals well into the midgame. Finishing with a 11/1/4 KDA (kills/deaths/assists) and 88 percent kill participation. Akaadian carried Echo Fox to a slow 49 minute win.

Echo Fox got off to a hot start in Game 2, with Akaadian's Kha'Zix picking up another first blood, and would enter the midgame with a strong lead. While both sides made mistakes throughout the match, Echo Fox were on top for most of the game, going as far as to take one of Immortals' Nexus turrets after a triple kill from Yuri "Keith" Jew's Ezreal. Unfortunately for Keith and Echo Fox, he got picked off in what would be a 4-for-1 teamfight win for Immortals that gave them Baron around 29 minutes in. With Flame split-pushing, Immortals would put together a sloppy comeback starting with a 4-for-2 teamfight win at 32 minutes. Unable to recapture momentum, Echo Fox faltered as Immortals finally closed out to force a Game 3.

Like clockwork, Akaadian's Rek'Sai once again secured first blood for Echo Fox before five minutes, giving it to Henrik "Froggen" Hansen's Twisted Fate. Froggen would snowball from there, finding picks throughout the mid-game and setting up a Baron kill at 22:30. While Echo Fox, empowered by the buff, patiently pushed away at objectives, their hesitation cost them as Immortals rushed Baron. Echo Fox started the Elder Dragon only to get wiped out by Joshua "Dardoch" Hartnett's Kha'Zix, losing the fight and the Dragon. After trading momentum back-and-forth, Immortals capitalized on a Keith misplay, catching the ADC out of position, catapulting the team to a Game 3 win.