Player of the Match
Player of the Match
  • Fine-tuning for Sri Lanka to peak at World Cup

    Sri Lanka have the batting raw materials to launch a fine World Cup campaign but a little polishing may make a considerable difference in eight months' time

  • England must confront failings to improve

    There were some admirable aspects to England's cricket in this series but they are going to need to rethink their tactics for the World Cup

  • England should apologise for mankading, not SL

    An editorial in the Guardian says Sri Lanka's mankading of Jos Buttler was well within the rule books, and so it should be England who apologise for the incident, not the visitors

  • Emboldened Sri Lanka keep their cool

    It may have been tempting for Sri Lanka to hide Sachithra Senanayake in this match, in hope the furore would blow over. But emboldened by the added pressure instead, they made his role in the match more prominent

  • Jayawardene finds the gap

    Plays of the day from the fifth and final one-day international between England and Sri Lanka