Scoring Summary


1stSmoak singled to right, McKinney scored, Travis to third.01
1stMorales singled to left center, Travis scored, Smoak to second.02
1stGurriel Jr. reached on infield single to shortstop, Smoak scored, Morales to second.03
1stDíaz homered to left (393 feet), Morales and Gurriel Jr. scored.06
1stTravis singled to right, Jansen scored, McKinney to second.07
2ndKiermaier homered to left center (405 feet).17
2ndSmith walked, Lowe scored, Adames to third, Ciuffo to second.27
5thMcKinney homered to right (383 feet).28
6thKiermaier homered to center (416 feet).38
6thTellez doubled to deep right, Díaz scored.39
7thGrichuk singled to center, Smoak scored, Morales to second.310
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