
KweséESPN: Africa's ultimate sports app for Africa's sports fans


The partnership between KweséSports and ESPN has brought together Africa's fastest-growing sports brand and the world's biggest sports media company to form the continent's most formidable content offering.

From live scores, real-time updates, previews, reviews, daily news and world-class features to video highlights, player interviews, studio discussions and more, the KweséESPN app covers sports heroes around the continent and the globe across all sporting codes.

KweséESPN covers a huge range of sports, including the world's biggest football leagues, NBA, NFL, rugby, cricket and boxing, athletics, Major League baseball, motor racing, tennis, cycling and more - we've got every sport and every league covered!

Download the KweséESPN app

Download the iOS version here

Download the Android version here

Get the most out of your KweséESPN experience The app, available for both iOS and Android platforms, offers a unique customisable experience to all fans.

Download the App, then select the 'Africa Edition' and register.

This allows you to personalise your KweséESPN experience by selecting the sports, leagues and teams that you follow so that your favourite news appears right at the top of your feed.

You'll also be able to select to receive live score updates direct to your device, so you'll never be out of touch with what's happening!
